Good News! Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin Divorce To Be On Full Public Display

NY PostSerial sexter Anthony Weiner’s been exposed again.

This time a Manhattan judge has yanked a confidentiality caption that was shielding the disgraced pol’s divorce case with his soon-to-be ex-wife, Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, from the public.

Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Michael Katz has decided to remove the ?”?Anonymous ?vs. Anonymous?”? designation from the pending lawsuit.

A court spokesman confirmed that the case will soon be referred to in public records as Abedin vs. Weiner. Matrimonial records are sealed and the judge chose not to use his authority to released his decision about the anonymous caption.

Let’s goooo!

Look, I don’t want to consume every little bit of this personally humiliating, life-shattering divorce… I NEED to consume it. Inject that shit right into my veins. Some people like to see the world burn; I just like to see Anthony Weiner’s slimy ass cry as the courtroom combs through every tiny detail of him sabotaging his marriage and the presidential campaign of Hillary Rodham Clinton with his addiction to sexting (underage) high school girls. I’ve built up such a passionate dislike for this dude that I need a constant dose of details to burn deeper and deeper inside my heart this fierce Anthony Weiner hate. Fuck this guy. Ruins promising political career with public sexting scandal. Disappears for a bit. Resurfaces sexting as Carlos Danger. Disappears again. Returns sexting underage high school chick with his young son by his side, and sexting OBSCENELY fucked up shit… just in time to mortally wound Hillary’s presidential bid.

Weiner stinks. Only person who might be worse/dumber is Huma Abedin. I mean we’re just now divorcing this slime ball? What? How can this be? In the words of the spectacular George W. Bush: “fool me once, shame on — shame on you; fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”

PS — Sup single Huma?

PPS — See ya, Weiner.

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